Page 14 - CNG ESP Participant Guide2024
P. 14

Module 1: Properties and Characteristics of Natural Gas

            Lesson 1.2: Properties and Characteristics of Natural Gas

             Chemical Properties  ▪  90-96% methane
                                  ▪  Other components include ethane, propane, and butane
                                  ▪  Compared to gasoline, diesel, and propane, natural gas has the least carbon content,
                                    which makes it a cleaner fuel going into the engine
                                  ▪  Chemical composition compared to gasoline and diesel
                                       o  Natural gas (methane)          CH4
                                       o  Propane                                   C3H8
                                       o  Gasoline                                   C8H18
                                       o  Diesel                                       C14H30

             Physical Properties   ▪  Gaseous state
                                  ▪  Lighter than air (specific gravity <1)
                                  ▪  Colorless and tasteless
                                  ▪  Odorless (but odorants are added by utility company)
                                  ▪  Non-toxic
                                  ▪  Non-corrosive

             Flammability         ▪  Ignition temperature 900-1080°F
             Properties           ▪  Flammability range 5-15%
                                       o  <5% mixture is too lean to burn
                                       o  >15% mixture is too rich to burn

             Emissions            ▪  Lower in carbon monoxide (CO)
             Properties           ▪  Lower in hydrocarbons (HC)
                                  ▪  Lower in nitrogen oxides (NOx)
                                  ▪  Less greenhouse gas emissions (CO2)
                                  ▪  Zero particulates
                                  ▪  Zero evaporative emissions

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