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BSU, BCM celebrates 100 years during next school year
 By Joe Graham | Catalyst, 770-936-5250
Baptist Students Unions (BSU) and Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) across the nation will celebrate 100 years of ministry during the upcoming academic year. The term BSU start- ed in Texas in 1920 and spread throughout the South. Frank Leavall, Joseph Boone and Geor- gia’s own David B. Nicholson, also known as Brother Nick, are among the earliest pioneers of BSUs – now called BCMs – in the Southern Baptist Convention.
From its earliest beginnings, BCM has been a “Christ-Centered, Church-Related, and Student-Led” organization. We want every student to be a part of a local Baptist church wherever they go to college. In addi- tion, the BCM is an on-campus organization
A Sending Prayer for College Freshmen By Emily Freeman Hamilton
Dear Lord,
They move into the dorm this weekend and will bring their bags filled with clothes and their boxes filled with books. But you see what they bring in their hearts – anticipation, adventure, love, regret, anxiety, motivation and hope.
They are a mix of excited, ready, terrified and wide-eyed freedom.
As he looks for a fresh start, remind him of your faithfulness every morning no matter where he calls home.
As she looks for community, remind her you are always with her no matter where she may go.
As he looks for adventure, remind him how you walk on water, turn water to wine, feed thousands from just a few pieces of bread. Re- mind him how you bring life straight up out of death, beauty straight out of ashes.
May she have the patience to believe even when she doesn’t see results.
May he know the greatest adventures are found in your presence, the greatest love comes from your heart, the greatest hope is that you’ve made his heart your home.
When insecurity, comparison, disappoint- ment and failure knock on her dorm room door, may she turn to you with her questions rather than run the other way.
Weave your wisdom into the fibers of his soul, bearing the fruit of confidence, clarity, contentment and a light heart.
May he not despise his humanity, rather may he embrace it.
May she not despise her body, rather may she learn to receive and respect her shape as a gift.
May he not despise his weakness, rather may he see how weakness brings a daily re- minder to trust.
May they not fear failure, rather may they thrive in the midst of it.
May they not be quick to judge, rather may they be patient and curious.
Help them to find true friends and be a true friend in turn.
Help them find their voice and to use it to be an advocate for themselves and for others.
Replace her shame with courage.
Replace his confusion with peace.
Replace her fear with a love that moves
within her beyond her ability to understand. May your grace surprise them kindly.
that represents all the local Baptist churches in the area. The philosophy of Baptist Student Ministry, first released in 1962, includes the following paragraph: “The unique nature of the university situation demands a specialized ministry by our denomination to the indi- viduals in the campus community with their need for redemption and Christian nurture.”
An example of the ongoing nature of this ministry can be found in the picture to the right, which was taken at the recent collegiate summit. Ken Jones, campus minister at both the University of North Georgia and Ken- nesaw State University, has a long legacy of calling forth thousands of pastors, ministers, missionaries, strong Christian leaders and even campus ministers.
Legacies beget legacies that beget legacies of ministry.
Courtesy of Collegiate Ministries The University of Georgia Paint Line started in 2006. Most of
its members are active in the campus BCM. The group strives to represent Christ with how it operates.
Courtesy of Collegiate Ministries BCM members greet new students during Welcome Week at
Georgia State University. BCMs strive to be visible on their respective campuses.
Photo | Linda Wilkins Students from BCMs across the state joined together for
worship, discipleship and fellowship at Confluence 2019.
Photo | Linda Wilkins The BCMs partner together to collect backpacks for the annual
Christmas Backpacks initiative.
Photo | Joe Graham
(Left to right) David Kirkland (Georgia College and State University), Sarah Farley (IMB Student Team), Ken Jones (Uni- versity of North Georgia; Kennesaw State University), Miriam Rainwater (Portland State University in the Northwest Baptist Convention), and Jeff Ford (Valdosta State University) attend a recent collegiate summit event.
    Getting involved with BCM is easier than you think
Parents and students can use the QR code in this section to find the BCM and the campus minister for your campus.
Take a minute to send that campus minister an email or text and let him/ her know you are coming. That will allow the campus minister to begin helping you meet other students and begin making relationships before you arrive on campus.
The most important thing you will do as a new student during the first two to three weeks is to connect with BCM on campus and connect with a local Baptist church in the area. Your campus minister and new friends can make suggestions and invite you along to BCM and to church with them.
Save the date for CONFLUENCE 2021. It will take place Sept. 24-26, 2021, at Eagles Landing First Baptist Church, McDonough. The theme for the weekend is “Dwell.”

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