Page 115 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 115

with the choice you've made. So go ahead and do whatever feels right.
Here's a self-test to help you discover your own passion- project:
a. What do you love doing in your free time? Think about the activities that you look forward to, and that make you feel energized and fulfilled
b. What are some topics or causes that you care deeply about? This could be anything from environmentalism to social justice to animal welfare
c. What skills do you have that you enjoy using? Consider your strengths and abilities, whether they're technical skills like coding or creative skills like writing or art
d. What are some problems in your community or in the world that you would like to solve? Think about issues that you feel passionate about and would like to contribute to solving
e. What is something that you've always wanted to learn more about or try, but haven't had the chance to yet? This could be anything from a new hobby to a skill you've always been curious about
After you've answered these questions, look for patterns and connections between your answers. Are there any activities or topics that come up repeatedly? Are there any skills or interests that you could use to contribute to a cause you care about? Use these insights to identify potential

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