Page 116 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
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passion-projects that align with your interests, values, and abilities.
Sometimes All it Takes is a Crazy Idea
While many of you may already have solid plans for your fresh start and be well on your way to realizing them, there are those of you who haven"t made up your mind yet and are still searching. It is often said that everything that can be thought of has already been thought of, and everything that can be done has already been done. While this may be true in a literal sense, it is encouraging to remember that new ideas are not always born from scratch. More often than not, they are simply fresh approaches to existing ideas. This is not to say that innovation is not possible; rather, it is to remind us that all progress builds on what came before. Sometimes all it takes is a crazy idea.
History is awash with crazy ideas that we take for granted today but were ridiculed when they first came to light. In 1762, John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich, had a crazy idea. He was a big-time gambler who didn"t like to leave the gaming table. When he got hungry he told his servants, !Bring me a slice of meat between two slices of bread.” And the sandwich was born.
Henry Heinz had a crazy idea: he put tomato ketchup in glass bottles so customers could see what they were buying. Levi Strauss had a crazy idea: he made trousers out of tent

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