Page 118 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
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what would soon after become Spanx, a billion-dollar business.
Sometimes the best ideas are the ones that seem the craziest at first. But as these five examples show, sometimes a little bit of daring can lead to big results.
In 1930, a group of unemployed actors decided to start their own theatre company. They had no money, no experience, and no stage to perform on. But they did have a lot of enthusiasm, and that was enough to get them started. The company, which was later renamed the Royal Shakespeare Company, is now one of the most respected theatre groups in the world.
In the early days of television, most shows were broadcast live. This meant that if there was a mistake, everyone would see it. So when a young woman named Lucille Ball proposed doing a sitcom that was filmed instead of live, her studio bosses thought she was crazy. But she persisted, and the result was I Love Lucy, one of the most beloved TV shows of all time.
Richard Branson is the pinnacle of entrepreneurship and creativity with no shortage of crazy ideas. From developing underwater planes, to launching companies with hot air balloons, to offering supersonic transportation flights, he pushes boundaries and makes things happen that have never been done before. He is an inspirational figure and a strong advocate of positive change, always

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