Page 119 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 119

encouraging others to take risks, think outside the box and make bold leaps into their own wildest dreams.
These success stories prove that nothing is too %crazy"$ when you have faith in yourself and your ambitions. So yes, there are plenty of examples of crazy ideas that have worked out brilliantly in the end. If you've got a great idea that others think is crazy, don't give up—you just might find yourself pleasantly surprised at how well it turns out.
Make it into a Project
Have you ever had a crazy idea for your life that seem impossible, ridiculous, or just plain silly? What if you actually pursued it? What if you let yourself explore all the possibilities?
When it comes to creativity, there"s no such thing as a bad idea. Some of the best ideas are born from complete madness. Let your crazy side out and you"ll find:
More options: the more ideas you have, the more options you have for solving a problem. And when it comes to creativity, quantity often beats quality.
A fresh approach: a fresh perspective can help you see problems in a new light and come up with creative solutions. For example, if you are trying to come up with a solution to a problem, you could try the following:

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