Page 121 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 121

other words, it can't be something that's been done before; it has to address a real need or problem, and it has to be possible to actually execute. This can be a tall order, but if you have an idea that meets all three criteria, then you just might have something special on your hands.
So what's the recipe for coming up with a crazy idea that actually works? First, start with a problem that needs solving. Then let your imagination run wild and come up with as many crazy solutions as you can think of, no matter how far-fetched they may seem. Finally, take a close look at your ideas and see if there's one that just might be crazy enough to work.
Conjure Up a Crazy Idea
Do you have an idea that seems a bit crazy, but you can't quite shake it? Maybe you've been told by others that your idea isn't feasible or won't work. Or maybe you're just not sure if it's the right time to take the plunge. Well, before dismissing your idea entirely, try doing this exercise. You might be surprised at what you find!
• Get a crazy idea, like something from a movie that needs magic to make it happen
• Program it into your imagination to make it come alive. Picture it as real; see it, hear it, feel it, and if possible smell and taste it right there in your imagination
• Takethefirststeptoday

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