Page 123 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 123

When ninety-five-year-old Eva Hilborn of Qualicum Beach on Vancouver Island found out that Dolly Parton was donating books to young children, she said, “I can do that.” So right there and then she made contact with some rural families who didn’t have easy access to libraries and bought two dozen books.
“It started small,” Eva said. “It was a struggle.” Eva’s income was fixed and the preschoolers she hoped to deliver books to were spread out. “The three-year-olds that got the books were reading to the dogs and their stuffed toys.” Eva decided to grow the project. She called it “The Wonderful World of Books” and now offers a book a month to 130 children, with the help of seventeen volunteers who she calls “the book elves.”
“It’s crazy and it keeps me alive.” Eva smiled. “And definitely, I’m happy!”

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