Page 128 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 128

!I"d been on the edge for days,” she told me. !I had these creditors and I felt I was just drowning. One day at the end of summer I was driving out to the supermarket, and I see this trailer coming towards me, and I was just thinking, what if I just take the car over a bit, you know? Just hit the trailer. At least it"s done. Then I hear this woman"s voice. %You"ve got brains in your head and feet in your shoes. You can go in any direction you choose."$I"d forgotten the radio was on. I hit the brakes and skidded onto the dirt shoulder. And that"s when I just got angry. Really angry. I got out and did some pretty spectacular swearing. I effed everybody and everything.”
Emboldened by her epiphany, Alice started looking for work with a new confidence. In a lineup at the pharmacy she overheard someone say there was a part-time job going in the local bookshop. !I never would have guessed that working in a bookshop would lead me to becoming a paramedic.” Alice told me. !But that's exactly what happened. A customer collapsed in the store, and I cared for them until the ambulance arrived. It made me realize I should stop thinking about myself all the time and start doing more to help people in need. By the time the ambulance pulled away I knew for sure I wanted to be a paramedic.”
!Since I"m an impatient person, I didn"t want to train for two years. I was curious and excited, and I did my homework. I sought out and talked to three different

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