Page 129 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
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paramedics. One of them, Derek, let me in on a secret. If I applied to be an ambulance technician, which was a sixteen- week course in patient assessment and life-saving skills, followed by on-the-job training with a mentor, then after six months as a technician, I could apply to become a paramedic.”
!It was the best decision I ever made. Every day, I get to help people when they need it the most. And knowing that I'm making a difference in their lives is the best feeling in the world. Funny how one thing led to another when I realized it"s not about me, it"s about making myself useful to others.”
Early Bloomers
Arnold won the title of Mr. Universe at twenty. Using that as a launching point he become a huge Hollywood star and later the Governor of California. Not bad for a poor kid from Austria.
With a net worth of $620 million twenty-one-year-old Kylie Jenner became the world’s youngest ever female entrepreneur. Her business has grown at a faster rate than any other beauty brand before her, proving that she has an effective business strategy.
Many of history's most celebrated figures were early bloomers. Mozart began composing music at the age of five, and Mary Shelley wrote her classic novel Frankenstein

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