Page 157 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 157

personal safety and empower them to make informed decisions about who to trust and how to protect themselves.
Street Smarts and Common Sense
The world isn"t a TV show or a video game; it"s a reality. Your street smarts and common sense should tell you don"t walk alone down dark alleys at night, don"t flash wads of cash in public, and don"t get drunk in places you don"t know. Do make an effort to blend in to your surroundings as much as possible, do draw in the support of total strangers—people of your choice—if you feel unsafe, do use your common sense, and above all, do trust your gut: listen to it, and if something doesn"t feel right, get out of there.
Approaching Strangers
How we approach strangers has a lot to do with where we meet them. Ideally, someone would be there to introduce you at a club, a college, or a convention. Third- party introductions are a blessing for people who may have difficulty meeting others; they"re like personal recommendations. It doesn"t always work like that, though. At times you will see someone you"d like to meet in a public setting, like an airport, shopping mall, supermarket, or a

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