Page 155 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 155

ways we never imagined. Opportunities and lucky breaks most likely come from Consequential Strangers.
Perfect Strangers
Perfect Strangers are people who you"ve maybe heard of or read about who you know can help you !perfect” your goals and your dreams. When Elon Musk was in his early twenties, he"d phone the Perfect Strangers he"d read about in magazines or seen on TV and ask them out to lunch. Most said no. Some said yes.
Total Strangers
These are people you"ve never seen before. Danger Strangers
These are the people who, right or wrong, set off your fight or flight response the moment you see them. If you"ve watched enough episodes of Law and Order, seen enough cheesy reality shows, or played enough games of Grand Theft Auto you probably have a distorted idea of who you can trust at first sight and who you can"t.
Beware of Strange Behavior
The phrase "beware of strangers" is a common warning that parents and caregivers often give to children, with the

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