Page 154 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 154

enjoyable and fills it with unforeseen opportunities, but it also helps develop confidence and self-esteem, putting an end to loneliness and isolation. It will make your life safer, healthier and more fun, and it"s pretty much the only guaranteed way to meet new people. Some cultures have no word for strangers because the people they haven"t yet met are assumed to be friends. In our culture though, the people we haven"t yet met are assumed to be strange. But just who are these strangers?
Familiar Strangers
These are the people you sit or stand next to on the bus or train every day or pass by at the office or school. You see them regularly and they see you too, you might even nod or smile or mouth “Hi” to them, but you never actually speak to them.
Consequential Strangers
Now think about some of the strangers you have interactions with as you go about your life who aren"t family or close friends. These are your neighbors, coworkers, store clerks, local police officers, or members of a religious or community group. They"re tradespeople like the butcher, the baker, your mechanic, the fresh-fruit lady at the market. While we take them for granted, they can enrich our lives in

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