Page 152 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 152

Whatever it is you want in this life chances are you’ll need a strangers help to get it. To understand this is to recognize one of life’s simple truths.
Life doesn’t happen without talking to strangers.
But if you’ve ever been on the subway or in a supermarket you know the rules, don’t make eye contact, don’t stand too close and whatever you do: don’t talk to strangers.
But what if the rules are wrong?
It’s time for a change.
It’s time to talk to the strangers who are our neighbors to find out what we can learn from them. Not just the things we agree on but the things we disagree on because that’s where the learning and the leadership begins.
It’s time to talk to share knowledge and joy and it’s time totalktomakemagic becausestrangersdon’tjustholdthe keys to joy and knowledge: they hold the keys to something much more exciting. Lucky breaks and serendipity.
It"s time to change the way we think about strangers. Instead of seeing them as a scary, see them as an opportunity to make new friends and form valuable relationships. And the best way to do that? Talk to them. Yes, you heard me right—go out and talk to people you don"t know. It may be uncomfortable at first, but I promise you"ll be glad you did.

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