Page 160 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 160

The ABCs of a Great First Impression
Instinctive Appraisals
Starting out or starting over today means knowing how to make people like, trust and feel comfortable with you fast. Creating a great first impression sets the tone for this success more often than class, credentials, education, or what you paid for lunch.
Whether you like it or not, people decide how they feel about you in the first two seconds of seeing you. If they like you, they will unconsciously tend to see the best in you and look for opportunities to say !yes.” If they don"t like you, the opposite is true.
Two seconds! The Harvard School of Health Sciences did the best research ever on the subject. The subtitle of their paper read: students seeing a two-second video clip of a teacher with no sound, came to the same conclusions about that teacher as students who had spent an entire semester with them.
Trust is fundamental to building relationships. In fact, it has been estimated that as much as 85% of your financial success comes from your ability to engender trust and respect in other people. You"ve heard the saying, %Birds of a feather flock together’—well, quite simply, we"re comfortable when we are surrounded by people who are just like us. This holds true not just on the surface but underneath as well. Shared beliefs, appearance, tastes, and

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