Page 161 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 161

circumstance all contribute to familiar feelings: like family— where do you think the word !familiar” comes from?
Just like you judge people right from the start, others judge you instantly too. It could be across the airport terminal, in a crowded waiting room, coming up your driveway, or squeezing pineapples at the supermarket. So what do we respond to in those two seconds?
Before you even open your mouth, people respond to the quantity and the quality of the energy you give off. In other words, your attitude. How you think and feel about yourself radiates outward and other people can feel it. If you doubt yourself, feel guilty or ashamed, or are focused on negative things, others will sense it. Your energy field will be sluggish, contracted, and dark. People will be drawn to this negativity like moths to a flame and they will want to bring you down to their level. On the other hand, if you are confident and happy with who you are, your energy will be strong and bright. People will be attracted to your attitude, and they will want to be around you. Right or wrong, it is your attitude at the beginning of an encounter, more than anything else, that determines your success or failure.
A Is for Attitude
When it comes to sharing your ideas with other people, it might be helpful to think of attitudes as Really Useful

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