Page 163 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
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irritated people. These Really Useless Attitudes are repellent. When you approach strangers with a laid back, friendly and enthusiastic attitude, it will help them to open up because your attitude sets the mood and not only drives your behavior; it drives their behavior. Your attitude is reflected in your body language, and you can choose your attitude.
Attitudes are Infectious
In his insightful book "The Tipping Point," Malcolm Gladwell explores the profound impact our social environment has on our behavior and success. It turns out that the people we surround ourselves with play a vital role in shaping who we become. Let's break it down.
When you spend time with three confident individuals, their self-assured demeanor rubs off on you. You become the fourth confident person in the group, as their unwavering belief in themselves becomes contagious. Suddenly, you find yourself exuding a newfound sense of assurance in your abilities and tackling challenges head-on.
Similarly, when you engage with three intelligent individuals, their intellectual prowess influences your own cognitive development. Through engaging conversations and exposure to their knowledge, you become the fourth intelligent mind in the group. This intellectual exchange stimulates your curiosity and expands your understanding

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