Page 175 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 175

Step 6
Slip Them a Story
Stories can move mountains. They are to your Primal Powers what food and fresh air are to your body.
Ask any high school student who his or her favorite teacher is and then ask why. Chances are the response will be, !Because she makes things more interesting. Because he tells stories.” Ask them who their least favorite teacher is and, chances are they"ll say, !They"re boring.”
We"re addicted to stories; it"s in our genes. Stories trigger curiosity, feedback, empathy and imagination. From childhood fairytales to adult fables, they play a powerful role in education, motivation, persuasion, advertising, movies, music, romance, social media, discoveries, deal making and pretty much everything—including this book.
We are natural-born storytellers. We learn the basics of storytelling as soon as we learn to talk. By the age of five, we use stories to wangle, cajole and get what we want. But for many people it ends there. We still tell stories, but without the structure to make much of an impact on other people. Most of us just wander around all day with our minds wide open, waiting for someone to slip us a story.

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