Page 176 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 176

Stories guide, protect and come as welcome companions on our life journey. Stories can alter brain development, influence politics, war and evolution. Some are tools for sharing, for growth and new flashes of inspiration: the very act of sharing ideas is essential to human society—either as knowledge, emotions or creative metaphors and puns. Some stories stir emotional coincidences in our souls that will be seen as magic by others—or the most amazing luck they've ever seen. Why? Because stories turn facts into feelings. And stories outlive us.
Throughout history gifted leaders have tapped into the great human appetite for stories and word-pictures and used them to pitch and present ideas, inspire loyalty, problem solve, open hearts to new ideas––and change the world for the better.
Two hundred years ago Napoleon Bonaparte proclaimed, !Imagination rules the world.” A hundred years later, Albert Einstein said, !Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Ten years after that, Simone Weil, the brilliant French philosopher declared, !Imagination and fiction make up more than three-quarters of our real lives.”
Who doesn"t love a good story? Stories are to the human heart what food and fresh air are to our bodies. There's not a person reading this whose life has not been greatly impacted in the last day, week, or month by a story.

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