Page 178 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 178

know the single point of your story and that everything you recount revolves around that point.
3. Capture the Imagination
Add one or two sensory details. !Two little girls shriek with laughter when ...” Let the audience imagine the rest. You can punctuate your story by asking, !What would you have done in this situation?” or !And what do you think happened next?”
4. Vary the Tone, Volume and Speed of Your Voice
Raising and lowering the volume and tone of your voice and varying the speed slightly adds excitement, humor and drama.
5. Moral of the Story
Finish with a lesson learned. !Next time you"d better believe I"m using a strap/getting a bigger case.”
The next time you"re with a bunch of friends test out this simple structure with a story of your own. Look out for their reactions—you"ll be pleasantly surprised.
The Future Belongs to the best Story Tellers
It's an exciting time to be alive—with technology reinventing the way we work and interact, the future

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