Page 18 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 18

aspirations can contribute to something greater than yourself. To find your purpose, you can embark on a quest of self-reflection, examining the moments that have resonated deeply, the activities that have brought a sense of meaning, and the impact you aspire to make. Or, you can take the Purpose Quest and find your Statement of Fortune: a powerful touchstone to return to whenever you need guidance or motivation.
Once you have discovered your purpose, the stage is set for the emergence of your passion project. Passion projects are ventures that allow your purpose to manifest itself tangibly. These projects are born out of the desire to create, innovate, and contribute in a domain that resonates deeply with your purpose.
Step 4. Craft Your FlowPass
A FlowPass is your key to your FlowPath It’s a personal manifesto that serves as a guiding light on your journey towards personal and professional fulfillment. It’s just a few seemingly simple, catchy words pulled from your heart, that you plant in people’s heads that tells them what you do, how you do it, who you do it for, why you are different and how your project can make their lives better. It’s like waving a magic wand. And when you deliver it in a conversational way—that an eight-year-old can understand and easily remember—in fifteen seconds or less, your new beginnings take on a flow of their own.

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