Page 19 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 19

Step 5. Talk to a Stranger Today
Whatever it is you want in this life chances are you’ll need a strangers help to get it. To understand this is to recognize one of life’s simple truths: life doesn’t happen without talking to strangers.
Nobody gets lucky and successful all by themselves. In this fifth step we're diving into polishing your people skills and the secrets of talking to strangers. Why? Because the better you are at connecting with all sorts of different people, the higher your chances of hitting that sweet spot of success.
Step 6. Slip Them a Story
In a world inundated with information and noise, the future belongs to the best storytellers in all walks of life because storytelling has an unparalleled power to captivate, inspire, and connect.
As human beings, we are hardwired to respond to narratives. Stories have been an integral part of our collective experience since the dawn of civilization, serving as a means to convey knowledge, transmit values, and ignite imagination. In a fast-paced and ever-changing world, the ability to craft compelling narratives becomes even more crucial.
In a future characterized by rapid technological advancements and an overwhelming sea of information, the

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