Page 21 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 21

The Eternal Truths of Purpose
As you delve into the intricate web of this book, prepare yourself for a parallel journey that will take you through the corridors of history. Along this path, marked by twists and turns, there lies a thread of profound significance—a set of "Eternal Truths" that have withstood the test of time for five centuries.
These ancient truths hold a power that transcends generations. They possess the ability to shape the destinies of those who comprehend their essence. With every step forward, the narrative offers glimpses into the minds of those who have encountered these Eternal Truths and whose lives have changed forever. Like the McHales.
Every morning when Andrew McHale throws open the shutters to let in the Maltese sunshine he gives thanks for living his dream. As his twin daughters, Prudence and Judy, head off to the international school ten miles away, Andrew pours his second cup of coffee, and he and his wife Becky look over the day's schedule. Their life hasn"t always been like this. Just three and a half years ago they lived in a small town on the north-east coast of Scotland. A successful chartered accountant, thirty-three-year-old Andrew knew he had an amazing job on paper, but he couldn"t imagine doing it for another twenty years.

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