Page 23 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 23

noticed before. Like I"d been to see my mother and my flight back from Dublin to Aberdeen was overbooked, and the airline offered two hundred pounds, accommodation and an upgraded seat the next morning to anyone who'd give up their place. What the heck! Normally, I wouldn"t consider it, but after our session together at the airport I did. So then I'm in this airport motel, two hundred pounds richer, and I'm cleaning the TV remote because I've heard they are the most disgusting things in the hotel room, and I must have hit the power button because the TV pops on, and this guy is saying 'Want to move to Malta?' and how Maltese laws have just changed to make it 'smooth and hassle-free' for foreigners to buy property and work there and how the health and education systems are some of the best in the world. Then I'm on the shuttle back to the airport next morning and this couple in front of me are arguing over what to do when they get to their destination: Malta!
“Malta was calling—and I was doing my thing!”
So, when the kids were seven they took the plunge.
They arrived on the island with nothing but a few suitcases and a crazy idea: to get into the holiday rental business but with a fresh approach. Andrew and Becky shared a passion for people and privacy. They decided to turn this passion into a new life by starting a vacation rental business in Malta. They carefully selected properties that offered privacy and seclusion, while still being conveniently

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