Page 22 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 22

I met Andrew when he contacted me after his cousin in Grande Prairie, Alberta, told him about a Purpose Quest workshop of mine she"d attended. Andrew asked if I would give him a private face-to-face coaching session during a stopover he"d be making in Toronto on his way back to Aberdeen. We met at the airport and talked for two hours about taking control, defining yourself accurately, uncovering his Statement of Fortune and opening a FlowPath--all of which will be explored in this book. Andrew stayed in touch.
“We’d always dreamed of leaving Scotland and starting a new life in the sun,” Andrew told me. “We grew up surrounded by the grey skies and cold winds of the Scottish coast, and we longed for something different.
!We spent our honeymoon in Malta. The stunning landscapes and crystal-clear waters made for the perfect romantic backdrop. But the most special aspect of our honeymoon was the warm and welcoming culture of the Maltese people. We couldn"t wait to return to this little slice of paradise one day.”
Then the timing aligned. Becky was let go from her job, the girls were about to change schools and Andrew was very unhappy with his career. But he was nervous about leaving everything and starting afresh. He wanted a sign to tell him they were doing the right thing.
!A few days later I became aware that silly little things started flowing into place—things I would never have

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