Page 199 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 199

when you consider everything else. The following year she and the baby moved back to Lavanda. She has many friends and a lot of support there; and she’s made quite a name for herself.”
The next morning as the Boeing 767 prepared to land, pristine golden beaches and glistening turquoise water of the Algarve coast gave way to sparkling high-rise buildings. As we stepped out on to the gangway ladder, the hot air and the rich aroma of coffee and charcoal-grilled sardines left no doubt as to where we were.
Donna Casilda was there to meet us. I didn"t recognize her at first. !You look like a movie star,” I said.
!Oh, Senhor Nick. We must go now, straight away.”
Pay attention to your surroundings
Turn up your curiosity
In your imagination relive an epiphany you have had and compare your thoughts before and after
List three serendipitous encounters or situations you have experienced and trace them back to their roots

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