Page 197 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 197

!It"s an unbelievable coincidence,” she said. !My mum called me last night and asked if I knew how to get hold of you, then this morning I"m watching the TV and there you are.”
!What are you doing in New York?” I asked.
!I live here. I"m still with the UN but I got promoted. But not now. Something"s bad has happened to Thomas and my mum said I should try and find you and let you know.”
!Where is he these days? I gave up trying to find him ages ago.”
I just sat there, my heart heavy with memories. It had been years since I last heard from him. The memories flooded back. I remembered the times we spent together, the laughter we shared, the people I met and the wisdoms he taught me. It felt like a lifetime ago, and yet the memories were still so vivid, so alive.
!He was in London for years but now he"s back in the Algarve living with his daughter at the lighthouse. She runs a gallery there with her son.”
!How did you find me here?”
!Your publisher gave me your escort"s number and told me where she"d dropped you off, so I called a car and looked for you. I saw you come out of St. Patrick"s and followed you here.”

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