Page 195 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 195

One thing led to another and today Delia is CEO of a tech company in London and sits as a board member of five companies.
“I"ve hired enough people to know that happy, hungry and humble people are rare gems. It doesn"t matter if you"re working at a coffee shop or pumping gas, you"re on display and if you are really into it, sooner or later you"re going to get noticed.”
Stranger Than Fiction
It was mid-morning, March 8th, 2009. I was in New York City on the last day of a twenty-city tour to promote the paperback release of my book, How to Make Someone Fall in Love with you in 90 Minutes or Less on the morning network TV shows. After I got back to the hotel and changed I decided to go for a walk. I was strolling down Fifth Avenue wondering how the book would be received and longing for some kind of sign that I"d done the right thing investing more than two years of my life to write it.
The book opens with a quote by Luciano De Crescenzo, a famous Italian writer and director, !We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.”
I suddenly felt I wanted to go into a church. Just ahead was Saint Patrick"s Cathedral at Fifth and Fifty-First. The

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