Page 193 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 193

you've seen and heard in the past you have nothing to connect it to in the present.
But be aware, serendipity is not some babysitter that'll hold your hand and lead you to the land of wonders. You can't just sit around twiddling your thumbs, waiting for the magic to happen. You gotta get up, get out, and get involved.
Everyday miracles are out there all around you. All you"ve got to do is keep your eyes open and your heart free so that when your miracle presents itself you"re there to recognize it and to seize it.
One Thing Leads to Another
At twenty-two and having recently graduated with degrees in Psychology and Criminology, Delia was selling sportswear at a store in downtown Portland—a job that helped pay her way through college. It was a job she enjoyed.
!I couldn"t figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I was good at this, which is really weird because when I was little I was scared of shops and strangers.”
I asked her what changed.
!Curiosity.” Delia decided the best way to overcome her shyness was through curiosity. !I made up my mind to become an expert on everything in the store. I wanted to know how they were made, researched, history, everything.

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