Page 191 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 191

with love.” It was signed Carlota Ferreira. Nelson was holding a check for $500.
He made it to Paris where a leading European design house on a talent search noticed him and offered him a job in Holland. Today, twenty-eight years later, Nelson owns his own industrial design studio in Amsterdam.
Stranger than fiction? While there's no scientific proof of its existence, synchronicity and serendipity are two of those things you just have to experience for yourself.
To unlock the wondrous power of serendipity and uncover the hidden gems of life, you must first be willing to let go of preconceived notions and rigid plans. Serendipity often arises in the midst of chaos, in the moments where we least expect it. By being open to the unknown and willing to take risks, we allow ourselves to embrace the beauty of spontaneity and the unexpected.
It is also important to cultivate a sense of mindfulness, to be fully present in the moment and attuned to the world around us. By slowing down and taking the time to observe our surroundings, we can notice the subtle details that often go unnoticed, and uncover hidden opportunities that we may have otherwise overlooked.
In addition, developing a sense of gratitude and positivity can help to attract serendipitous moments into our lives. By focusing on the good, we open ourselves up to the abundance of the universe and invite positive energy to flow into our lives.

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