Page 190 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 190

own cases for them—but in the absence of concrete proof these are just opinions. That"s why I"m more interested in telling you real-life stories about synchronicity and serendipity than trying to prove how they work.
After graduating at the top of his class in industrial design at Carlton University in Ottawa, Nelson Nascimento was invited to spend two weeks in the summer at the Paris School of Design. The costs for the trip were to be footed by several local sponsors. One week before he was due to leave, Nelson got a phone call saying the ticket sponsorship had fallen through.
There was no way he could afford the $501 fare himself and had nowhere to turn for a loan. Nelson hung up the phone and announced to his roommates he was going for a walk. This was part of the mantra his grandfather taught him when faced with a dilemma. !Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?"
After strolling down to the river and back, Nelson picked up his mail and started up the stairs to the flat. Among all the junk mail was a handwritten envelope.
!Dear Nelson, I am an old friend of your grandmother from back home. I have been living in the States for some time. I met you once when you were very young and visiting your grandmother in Campinas. I always meant to get in touch with you; I should have made contact a long time back.. I"d love to hear how you are. Here"s a little something for you to spend on yourself, please enjoy it. God bless you,

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