Page 192 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 192

Ultimately, unlocking the power of serendipity requires a combination of openness, mindfulness, and gratitude. By embracing these qualities, we can navigate the unpredictable waters of life with grace and ease, and discover the hidden treasures that await us along the way.
Start to practice the welcoming of chance encounters and unexpected moments as they present themselves, and be fearless in following paths that may not seem obvious at first. Keep a journal at the ready, and document these precious moments as they occur, no matter how small. By doing so, you'll begin to notice the beauty in the everyday and discover that magic can be found in the most unlikely of places.
Open a FlowPath
Paying active attention to your surroundings, keeping an open mind, and staying curious are essential for spotting serendipitous elements (dots), but unless you can cross- reference what your senses are taking-in today with what they took-in in the past there are no dots to connect.
As we encounter new experiences, our brains make associations and store the information in our memories. Over time these associations are reinforced through repeated use allowing us to spot things that might have previously gone unnoticed, but if you can't remember what

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