Page 194 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 194

That way you get a rapport with the customers because you don"t sell, you just tell the truth. I heard the manger say I was the only person in the store who told customers if something didn"t look right on them. I was honest, so they trusted me. One day, out of the blue, I get called to the store phone. It was a recruitment company based in London, England, asking if I"d go to Seattle for an interview. The interviewer pulls a pair of jeans out of a bag and asks if I recognize them. I said, %Sure, we sell that brand at the store."$Then she tells me they"d heard about me and sent someone in to check me out and I sold them this actual pair. A week later the headhunter calls and offers me a job in a new concept store that Adidas is opening. The conditions were harsh, so I politely turned it down. But now I was on the books of the headhunters.” She grinned.
!All this because I"d been at a promotional event$given by Salomon Skis at a local hotel: you know to pump up and pamper the sales staff to get them to sell more. While the others were getting the free drinks and food I went to every booth and quizzed the experts on everything. Even things they didn"t know. One guy said he"d never heard anyone ask so many questions. He had to get back to me with some information and I gave him the store phone number. Turns out he"d recommended me. Two weeks later they offered me a fantastic job in New York. After two years I was headhunted to a tech startup in Europe as VP marketing, then to another tech company as global marketing director.”

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