Page 196 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 196

moment I walked in a voice in my head said, %No, not here. This is not for you."$I turned around and left.
Three blocks further up Fifth Avenue I spotted another church. As I walked through the door of Saint Thomas"$it felt cool and right. %That"s better,"$I said and decided to sit and reflect on my book. %Where shall I sit?"$I said quietly to myself, %I know. I"m sixty-two: I"ll sit in pew sixty-two."$ I walked down the centre aisle until I found it. The church was deserted. I walked in about ten feet and sat down. Fifteen minutes of peace later I casually picked up a prayer book from the rack in front of me and riffled the pages. Something caught my attention at the back of it. There, written by hand in Portuguese, it read, %We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another". No-one"s going to believe this, I thought, so I photographed it with my Blackberry.
But that was just the beginning. I"d no sooner taken the shot when I heard the click clack of a woman"s shoes coming up behind me. They stopped several rows back and all went quiet. I was saying a little prayer when they started up again. Then a woman sat down next to me.
!Hello, Nicko.”
I was looking at the floor, but I"d know that voice anywhere. I looked over. Fashionable shoes, fashionable pants, fashionable jacket. Fashionable Frankie.
I went to speak but she put her finger up to her lips. She looked terrible.

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