Page 188 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 188

more likely to notice coincidences when they're open to them.
When I met Thomas was it just me being unconsciously aware of needing a new beginning and curious about everything happening around me? Was I processing feedback, engaging empathy and igniting imagination to consciously take action and open a FlowPath? Could it be that that is what really serendipity is? A waypoint on a FlowPath.
When Morgan met Wyatt was that serendipity? Morgan took control and opened a FlowPath. Same goes for Ben, Susan and Jason and all the other stories you"ve read within these pages. And what about Elijah?
Elijah is a great guy, lots of new friends and acquaintances, lots of projects, open to the core, lots of luck. Several years ago Elijah was in a line-up to pay for his newly installed tires when out-of-the-blue he overheard a man a few feet away ask the mechanic where he could catch a bus to his home to pick up his other car to fetch his daughter from school. Elijah piped up, !Where do you live?"
On the drive Elijah learned Glen was a carpenter. "Gee, just what I'm looking for." Elijah hired him and a couple of weeks later while the Glen was working on Elijah's new kitchen floor he discovered one of the steps leading down to Elijah's basement was on the verge of giving way which would have certainly resulted in someone being seriously hurt.

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