Page 189 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 189

There are numerous accounts of individuals making unexpected and fortuitous discoveries in their personal lives, such as finding a lost object or stumbling upon a unique opportunity. Serendipity is also recognized as a legitimate concept in psychology and has been the subject of numerous studies. These studies have found that people are more likely to experience serendipity when they are open to new experiences and have a positive outlook.
Serendipity plays a vital role in science, technology, business, innovation, work, home, love and play—there"s not a single Fortune 500 company president, Nobel Prize winner, billionaire or movie star that will refute this. They know serendipity is real and it can change your fortunes for the better in a flash—if you are prepared for it. Scientists agree Serendipity is found to be a commonplace phenomenon in everyday life, but they explain we cannot !engineer” nor !design” it but can create environments for facilitating it.
Dismiss these completely unexpected moments as bunkum and demand proof that they will help you and you"re literally going to find yourself out of luck—you can"t cram miracles down people"s throats. Accept them as a natural part of the flow of the universe and they'll soon feel as natural as gravity. You can find plenty of attempts from different groups of people to explain synchronicity and serendipity. Hindus, quantum physicists, economists, skeptics, Carl Jung and everyday spiritual folk all make their

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