Page 211 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 211

Blessed are the Messengers
Donna Casilda barged her Mercedes Benz Long Wheelbase Pullman through crowded streets until we eventually ended up on the cliff road.
What was once a sleepy fishing village is now a vibrant global destination for people from all over the world. Where once three or four thousand tourists a season dropped in, now over ten million visitors a year make this their playground. Not only has this explosion created countless fresh starts for local businesses and hundreds of new jobs and injected buckets of money into the local economy it"s also made the place unrecognizable.
I had no idea where we were going.
Roaring along what used to be a dirt track and was now a slick two-lane blacktop we tore past five-star hotels, wall- to-wall apartment blocks, every kind of restaurant from all- you-can-eat !spagbol” to all day happy-hour to international

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