Page 212 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 212

brand name chefs. From chic shops to dollar stores it was all here. Every kind of fresh start you can imagine.
We swung south to the lighthouse. The keeper"s cottage was gone and in its place stood a gallery. I knew instantly this was the place. Above an enormous plate glass window a lemon-yellow sign said Take Five Gallery.
!You go ahead,” Casilda said. !We"ll wait here for now.”
The impact of walking into a ceramics gallery is not only physical, but also emotional. The first thing that struck me was the variety of colors, textures, shapes, and sizes of vases, bowls and sculptures. Seeing so many of them so beautifully arranged in one space was stunning. The sense of peace and calm from a beautiful vase, the excitement and joy of a playful sculpture. In large yellow letters spread across the back wall was a signature: Lara Quinn. Beneath it in small capital letters Diva Ceramica.
An attractive middle-aged woman in a brightly colored suit appeared from behind a panel.
!Hello,” she said. !Welcome.”
!Hi. I"m Nick Boothman and—”
!Yes, I know,” she said interrupting me in perfect English. !I recognize your voice. I believe you are here to see my father.”
!You are Lara?” I said. My head expanded then contracted just as quickly.
!You won'’t remember me?” Her voice was soft and full. 212

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