Page 214 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 214

!Grandpa, it was on the ground.” The young man laughed and introduced himself. !Hello, I"m Paul.”
Casilda and Frankie burst in with a flurry of curiosity.
!Good God in heaven,” Thomas brayed. !Francisca, is that you? You look bloody marvelous.”
!Mum,” Paul said, !she"s cut her hair short and gelled it back. Looks awesome. And her clothes are trim and tailored.”
!How exciting. Francisca, come, come.” Francisca went over to Lara, and they hugged. “Oh my goodness it’s been so long,” Lara said.
Francisca took Lara’s hand and placed it on her lapel.
!Oh, this is lovely. Linen?” Lara asked. !What color is it?” And as Lara rubbed the fabric between her fingers I got the shock of my life.
She"s blind! Lara is blind!
Surprise, confusion, disbelief? What was I feeling?
“Green. Pale green.” Frankie replied.
!Nicko, what"s up?” Thomas bellowed. He could see the shock on my face and the reason why.
!I never mentioned it before?” he asked.
I shook my head.
"Didn"t you know I can't see?" Lara turned to me with a calm voice and a slight smile, evidently already aware of my realization. Despite the awkwardness, I could tell from her

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