Page 215 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 215

expression that she accepted my ignorance without criticism.
"It's okay," she said calmly. "I'm used to having conversations like this.”
Paul was grinning, Frankie stepped away from Casilda, and Thomas got up out of the wheelchair. !Hell, these things are uncomfortable! I can’t keep this charade up any longer. I’m as fit as a bloody fiddle.”
!What"s going on?” Frankie demanded. !I"m sorry, Nicko, Thomas is clearly not dying. Why all the drama to get us here?”
!I"m useless at pretending,” Thomas said. “Mind you I did buggar my leg up getting out of that damn basket."
Casilda stepped forward. !Perhaps we should all sit down.”
Paul led his mother to a chair in the coffee area. We followed. Thomas stretched his back.. !I"ll stand for now.”
Casilda waited for everyone to settle and fall silent then she began. !Ten days ago I closed the biggest real-estate deal of my life and deposited sixteen million Euros into my account.”
I stood in the room, my heart racing as the news sank in. I could feel the breath go out of everyone around me. Everyone except Paul, that is. He stood there with a serene smile on his face. After all, it turns out it was him who masterminded Casilda’s two successful land banking

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