Page 217 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 217

me if he would agree to teach you too. That was the first link in the chain reaction that brought us here today. That"s where my new life started. I was learning something new. I was teaching too, and we were learning and teaching together. It felt special and I loved it.
!Then I got word a German woman was trying to buy the barber shop two doors up to open a real estate office and I got angry—no, jealous—and I asked myself why. Then in my heart I knew sooner or later the locals, my friends, would be forced to move out because they wouldn"t be able to afford to live here. Then I had a crazy idea.”
She turned to Thomas. !It was the day Frankie asked me what to do with the letter you wrote to Nicko. I read it and it was like it was meant for me. It spoke to me—in English. When I read the first and the third Truths and then the sixth it was like giant doors to a magic kingdom had opened inside me. It was so obvious. It was beautiful. I knew the letter wasn"t for me, but it was made for me. How could something so obvious be kept secret?”
!I woke up one morning and my purpose was there on the tip of my tongue. How could I have missed it. ‘I make people away from home feel like they are among friends.’ Simple. I’ve always been that way. Always. Then I found my Edge. What I knew, and what the foreign realtors didn"t know, was that many of the properties and houses around the village weren"t owned by just one person. A son might own a bedroom and the mother the kitchen and the

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