Page 219 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 219

!Yes, a knack for finding the perfect properties for my clients and negotiating the best deals. I worked very long hours and sacrificed my time with my family. But I have always been driven by something more than just money. For the last six years Paul has been helping me develop my crazy, secret passion project.”
Paul came across and stood next to Casilda.
!Turns out I was right. In the last two decades, many people in our village have sold their homes in the tourist boom and gained more money than they ever thought possible. At first it brought joy to their lives—until reality set in and prices for housing doubled year after year. Many who had sold their homes could now no longer afford to replace them, so they moved away or rented rooms locally, and all while I got richer as my friends got poorer and I watched from afar as what little wealth they hung on to dwindled away. Sure, a fortunate few found success amidst the financial turmoil but ultimately, the wealth was accompanied with great sadness.
!So, my passion project is to correct the imbalance. My friends and neighbors trusted me, but the more I told them to hang on to their properties the more they wanted to jump on the band wagon like everyone else.”
!Because of all of you in this room, at eleven o"clock tomorrow we break ground on the first affordable housing community in the Province. It is my labor of love, and thanks to all of you I managed to take my own struggles

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