Page 221 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 221

!Dear Casilda, your development is inspirational, your heart grand and generous. And I am so glad to be here. You talk of chain reactions, yet perhaps overlook the most important link in your particular chain. The Messenger who was part of a perfect plan, not man-made. The Messenger who found me in a night of revelry many years ago with a letter at the perfect moment when I was too messed up to hold onto it. The Messenger who found me in the perfect location where the letter would flow first to Frankie then to you before making its way to me.” I turned to face Lara.
!Lara, you have no idea the impact your perfect timing has had on millions of people already. The Truths you delivered appeared serendipitously on my FlowPath years later and influenced the way I write my books and have in turn influenced millions in the retelling and sharing at precisely the right time—not a minute too soon or a minute too late. The very same letter arrived with serendipitous timing to influence the way Frankie left town and eventually rose to her lofty position in New York. The part you played in this chain reaction will also soon influence the dignity and destiny of the people who will occupy the homes Casilda is proposing. You cannot deny it. The ripple effect of the FlowPath you opened is, at this very moment, changing our world. So may God bless you for being serendipity"s messenger.”
Thomas took Lara"s hand. !He"s right, you know. Bloody perfect every time.”

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