Page 222 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 222

Then Thomas came over and hugged me while the others gathered around Lara. !Good to see you, Nicko. That was very good. We have much catching up to do.”
Casilda opened her arms wide. !Let"s take a break.”
Paul leapt into action uncovering a table of savories and sweets. Cod, pork and beef croquettes. Mini quiches and fresh cheese. Portuguese custard and coconut tarts and my favorite, Indian Samosas from Goa.
A waitress appeared, followed by a barman pushing a trolley full of drinks. We helped ourselves. It had only been a couple of hours since we landed, and I was famished.
Champagne in hand, Thomas took the floor.
!I know it"s a little premature for a celebration, but I want to welcome our most beloved guests.”
!Please raise your glasses to those five wonderful %F"$ words.”
!Oh, Dad, no!” Lara said, laughing now.
!To Family, Friends, Forgiveness and Forever. Oh yes,
and the big one—” “Dad!”
“What?” Thomas said in full theatrical mode. “The survival of the Friendliest. What did you expect?”
Everyone laughed and relaxed.
!Thank you for your kind words, Nicko,” Thomas
began. !And while it is natural to believe that the message 222

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