Page 223 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 223

itself is more important than how it is delivered, the power of a message delivered in a sealed envelope by a child is undeniable. The physical exchange between generations from one hand to another proves more than words could ever express. So yes, my darling Lara, the part you played is one of immense value.”
Paul had been quietly listening, waiting for the right moment to speak up. The time had come for him to act.
!Mum showed me your journal, Grandpa.”
!Paul!” Lara snapped.
!It"s alright, Mum.”
Thomas was sitting on the edge of the table breathing slowly. !Go ahead, my boy.”
Paul addressed us all. !I never really knew my grandpa until I found a notebook hidden away in my mom's desk. It was filled with strange symbols and mystical words. At first, I thought it was just some old diary or something. But as I read on, I realized it was special. Mum asked me to read it to her, but I know that"s wrong. It"s private. So instead I promised her that one day I"d ask you to tell us how you became so smart.”
!We"ll have lunch one day,” Thomas said, “and I"ll tell you both. But this is not the time or place.”
!We"ve all wondered,” Frankie said. !We have time,” said Casilda.

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