Page 225 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 225

I quickly immersed myself in the monastic way of life. I made friends with a young monk called Ming who spoke English. I spent long hours meditating, studying the teachings of the Tao, and performing manual labor in the gardens and kitchens.
!As the months turned into years, I found a deep sense of peace and contentment there. I developed a strong bond with my fellow monks and the abbot of the monastery, who became my mentor and guide. He taught me about flow and resistance, non-judgment and releasing my grip on time.
!One morning, while sitting in meditation, I had a vision of myself standing on a stage, playing jazz music to a packed club. I couldn't understand how this vision fit with my life as a monk, but I knew that it was a message from the universe, urging me to follow a fresh path. As much as I loved the monastic life, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something else waiting for me in the wings, and so I set out once again, this time with a dream of opening a jazz club. It was a bold and risky venture, but I was confident that if I followed the Truths and stayed true to my Path, everything would work out.
!I arrived here through pure serendipity. I turned south by mistake when I should have kept going. The fragrance of lavender and the laid-back, bohemian atmosphere of this village was exactly what I was looking for, and I knew that this was where my Path had been leading me all along.

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