Page 218 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 218

grandfather the garden. They"d been bequeathed for generations, so an outside developer would never get them all to agree to sell. But I could. I was trusted. I did the best for them.”
!For me it was the first Truth and the second, yes and then the third, then all of them.” Frankie whispered. “It was an epiphany. It was so obvious. Once I accepted I couldn"t stay here, the scenery of my life story changed. I"d been forcing my feelings away my whole life. Suddenly, I saw things I"d never noticed before. One thing led to another, and I met Hazel. She was on holiday from Zurich, and she was a teacher at an exclusive girls"$school. It was love at first sight, right there on the Fisherman"s Beach. That"s why I moved to Zurich and started over.”
Paul went over and gave Frankie a long hug. !You"re awesome,” he said through misty eyes.
Casilda stepped forward. !Please. Sit down,” she said calmly. I have an announcement to share with you all.”
When everyone was settled she began. !I was once a poor woman struggling to make money and provide for my family. I never had a chance to go to college so I had to take any job I could find. But I always had a lot of ambition and I"d always dreamed of doing something special with my life; something to make a difference.
!One day I decided to try real estate. To my big surprise, I had a ... I don"t know the word in English. Jeito—”
!Knack,” they all said in unison. 218

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