Page 216 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 216

projects over the past three years - one for the hotel that had just made her a fortune, and the other for her passion project.
I learned later that after Francesca had left and Antonio passed away, she had taken Paul on as an office boy. And he had filled the gap in her heart. Paul was a compassionate and caring individual, approachable and down-to-earth with a strong sense of responsibility. He was also super smart, and had quickly become like a son to Casilda. She enrolled him in a six week business essentials program in Lisbon four days a week. It was a FlowStroke, a bold and calculated move that would take their lives to new heights.
Paul's “FlowStroke” was to bring back his Croatian girlfriend Veronika, who was working as a set designer at the campus Theatre where he was studying, to be chief colorist in charge of the hand painters at the Take Five Gallery.
It took a while for the congratulations and cheers to settle down then Casilda continued.
!I know, I couldn"t believe it myself. I kept asking, %why me?"$ It wasn"t even that difficult a deal. I was used to surprises, but this time I wanted to figure out just how this particular FlowPath opened up. I started digging. I stepped back and back, and back until I was back at the Hole-in-the- Wall with Nicko. You were pushing me to teach you Portuguese and for me to learn English. I was suspicious; so was your father, Francisca, but he agreed Nicko could teach

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