Page 36 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 36

to someone else. This can help you understand how your feelings are affecting the conversation, and it can also give you clues about what the other person is feeling.
Ignite Imagination
1. Close your eyes and imagine you are at a busy airport with an hour to spare before your flight. Write down all the things you can see, hear, touch, taste and smell.
2. Take some time to daydream. Let your mind wander and see where it takes you. You might be surprised at the creative ideas that come to you when you're not actively trying to think of them.
3. Be open-minded. Allow yourself to consider ideas that might seem crazy at first. Write down your best crazy ideas for later.
Balance Your Primal Powers
Use your imagination to conjure up the following situations. If you have trouble remembering any of them, make them up, in detail—the crazier the better, because as far as Igniting Your Primal Powers is concerned, “crazy” is just another word for creative, passionate and spontaneous. Recall, or imagine what your senses took in. What you saw, heard and felt. You can throw in smells and tastes if you wish. For each of the three examples make one about your

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