Page 38 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 38

2. (Work) 3. (World)
When you have finished, think about which of these powers were the easiest to use. Which were more of a struggle?
Which Primal Power came easiest? Note it here:
Next came:
Then came:
Which was the hardest?
Pay extra attention to the ones that were more difficult to use in order to bring balance into your life. For each Power, circle one memory that you can relive most easily and vividly. Make a one word note of it and keep it with you. Refer to it until you can each scenario with the same ease.
Primal Powers might be wonderful, but they're not a shortcut to success. They're not some quick fix to all your problems. You gotta roll up your sleeves, take control, and make things happen. It's not like you can sit there and go, "Okay, today I'm gonna be a famous rockstar," and then boom, you're headlining Madison Square Garden. Life doesn't work like that, unfortunately.

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